
July 11, 1943
Camp Lee, Va

Dear Mother and all

I will write you a letter to let you hear from me I am getting along fine having a good time and getting plenty to eat we ant doing nothing today.
I went to a free movies last night and went to church this morning and then watched a ball game.  I am going to the movies to night.
I have a good time and like fine so far.  Don’t worry a bout me I don’t worry a bit.
I just wrote Pauline a 4 page letter.  The Sargant said we could keep our towls wash rags underwear. They gave us a rain coat razor shaving brush tooth brush 3 towels.
I guess we will get the rest of our clothes tomorrow Don’t answer this letter.  We will be shipped out about Wednesday and I will write soon as I get settled down.  Put my car in the shed over at Proffits Put it up on blocks get Mervin S to help let him take the battery. Don’t let Davis have no wheel .  Tell Raymond and Martha I will write to them when I get settled down.

Since news is Scarce I will close with love

From Wilson

Camp Lee Va
Ha Ha