Sept. 12, 1943
Dear Brother
I will answer your letter I got a few days ago and was glad to hear from you.
I am well and hope you are the same. We had a nice time at the Beer party.
I enjoyed the soft drinks. I don't drink no beer whisky or nothing.
I haven't drinked any thing for about a month before I left home to come in the
army. I quit smoking on Friday night before I come in the army or
Saturday. Tell Jr. Garrison I said hello. I would like to be up
there and go down Moses with you. When did you all get Mervin to take you
all. I didn't understand that Man's name. Who is John K. and Rosa Garrison
its the first time I ever heard of them. what did Mildred W. have to say
when you saw Pauline in town who was with her and what did she have to talk
about. i wrote and told her to take Lacy F. and go to hell. I wrote
her a hell of a letter but She didn't answer it. You can sell Jr. Garrison
a box os shell if you want to but you had bether keep enough for yourself.
Is squarrels cutting hickory nuts now write and tell me if you ever killed any
yet. We had a ball game this Morning we got 8 runs and the other side got
3 runs. the Platoon I am In wins every thing they go at. we got the
highest score on the range shooting the rifle. How many strips did Freddy
M. have I have some more pictures I am going to send home when I get time.
Well since news is scrace I will close answer soon and tell me all the news.
By By and good Luck
From Wilson