
Dear Mother

I will answer your letter I got today.  I am well and youall are the same I like the training ok.  We sure did have a nice dinner to day we had beef, Butter, beans, Ice Tea, potatoes masshed, cake and Ice cream.  the best of all we had all we could eat.

I got a letter from Garwood today.

Its sure is hot down here 7 or 8 men falls out every day and have to carry them in on strecher.  We went on a hike and a bunch of them fell out one boy that was in front of me fell out walking a long a long we walked 2 1/2 miles in 45 minutes we didn't even stop we had 60 lb pack on our backs and a 10 lb rifle.  I am ok it all right and liked it fine.
I know the Name of the camp that Normans in but don't know where its at.  We ant but about 150 miles from the ocean.  And it ant but 175 Miles to Florida.  We are 100 Miles on the other side of Atlanta Georgia.  that sure is a pretty place.
When I think Fountain and Roberta has had time to get back to Maryland I am going to write them a letter.

I told Garwood to tell Mervin that he could get My car Battery and use it, After youall ge it in the shed.
Send my Bathing Suit as soon as you can.  Well since News is scarce I will close With Love

Tell all hello
By By Wilson

P> S> The Luetener told us we would have to pay our Income Tax yet if we didn't want to.  But If I could I would like to pay it now