Payroll citation
Submitted by Dru Null
Blan is listed on: A Pay Roll of Captain Harris's Company of Militia from Albemarle, 1781,
Militia Lists, 1779-1782, Auditor of Public Accounts, Entry 225, Box 679, The Library of Virginia.
Shiflet, Blan, VA Line, S15641, appl 23 Aug 1833 in Orange Co VA aged 82
Transcript of Pension Application:
submitted by Tom Lewis
Page 1: Service: VA; Shiflet, Blan; Number: S. 15641; carded
Page 2: Blan Shifflet; 29.384; Admit as private; 8 months $26.66
Page 3: First column:
Virginia; 23.577
Blan Shiflet of Orange in the State of Va who was a Pvt in the [blank] command by Captain [blank] of the [Regm?] command by Col. Taylor on the Va line for 8 months
Inscribed on the Roll of Virginia at the rate of 22 Dollars 66 Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 5 day of Feby 34
and [unreadable] Reynolds Chapman Orange CH VA
Arrears to the 4th of Sept 18[unreadable] [amount is unreadable]
Semi-anl allowance ending [unreadable] Mar 34 13.33
Revolutionary Claim
this June 7, 1832
Recorded by [unreadable] Clerk
Book E Vol. [unreadable] Page [unreadable-poss. 32]
Page 3: Second column:
[unreadable] to Julia C. Harrison 27(1) Feb. 1912
Death not on A.B.
Page 4:
21 Feb 1842
Page 5:
Pension Office
21 Feby 1842
I herewith enclose the necessary formes and instructions for the guidance of the children of Blan Shiflet decd, and when the vouchers shall have been prepared, they should be forwarded to P. Hagriev Esgn, Third Auditor of the Treasury. The papers are herewith returned.
Jam[es] H[unreadable]
[Letter and envelope on one sheet of paper; addressed to:]
John C. Harrison Esq
Greene County
Page 6 and 7:
State of Virginia ll
on this twenty three day August [torn]
Orange County, 1833 personly appeared before William H Standard and Daniel White Justice for the County afsd Blan Shiflet a resident o fthe County and State afsd aged eighty two years who being firs duly sworn (by rea[son] of old age and infirmity is not able to attend Court, do on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the Act of Congress passed the 7th Ju[torn] 1832 That he entered the service of the United States un[der] the folowing named officers and served as herein Stated. It [unreadable] the service afsd in the Month of January 1778 for a tour of one month at the Albemarle Barracks under the Command [of] Capt Zachariah Herndon also officer Colo Frances Taylor and serv[ed] my time and returned home and in July of the same date was drafted for a second tour of 1 month and served at the same place under the same officers served my tour returned home was shorly again drafted for another tour of 1 month and served at same place under Capt Benjamin Whealer serv[ed] my tour and in a short time was drafted for another tour of 1 month making in the whole 4 months at the Ba[rracks] last tour under Capt Holman Rice. Then returned home and was drafted for a Milicia Tour of 2 months under Capt Isaac Davis and marched from the County of Albemarle (at that time being a resident of the same) marched to the County of Hanover and at Andersons Mill joined the armies under the command of General Martinburg from thence to Spotsylvania Court house from thence to the Rockson Ford in the County of Culpeper and thence joined General Wayne and marched to Boswells old honery and was discharged my time having expired, in the County of Louisa then returned home shortly after was again drafted for a second term of two months and served under Capt. John Haris and marched to Williamsburg and there joined General Washington and marched from there to the seage of york and was in the seage [indecipherable] my term out and was there discharged in Oct 1781 I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to any pension or annuity except [unreadable] present, and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.

I Samuel Ham of the County of Orange and State of Virginia [aged--written and then scratched out] hereby certify that I am and have been acuainted with Blan Shiflet for upwards of 50 years. I believe him to be a respectable man and [a] man of undoubted verasity I was with him at the Albemarle Barracks for two tours of one month each first in [Feb]ruary 1778 comp. of Zachariah Herndon second Tour under the command of Lieutnant Subalfield Given under my hand this twenty third day August1833
Orange County to wit
Sworn and subscribed to this 23 day August 1833 before us.
WH. Stanard
Daniel White
Albemarle County Virginia
I Richard Snow aged 80 years do hereby certify that I was with Blan Shiflet at the seage of york and he served a tour of 3 months under Capt John Haris and was discharged at that place in Oct 1781 I have been acquainted with him for upward of 50 years he is generally respected and a man of truth Given under my hand this 23rd day August 1833
And we hereby declare in our opinion after this investigation of the matter and ---- the investigation prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he has stated Given under our hands and seals this 23 day of Augus[t] 1833 -- Justices of the peace for the County of Orange
W.H. Stanard
Daniel White
I hereby certify that I am of the impression from the preceeding certificates that Blan Shiflett is of the age [unreadable] and that he served at the times and places mention during the old war
Given under my hand this 24 August 1833
Edw. G. Ship
[I Robert Anne of the County--written and scratched out] Orange County I hereby certify that Edward G. Ship is a clergyman minister of the gospel and he is a highly respectable man and that his statement is entitled to credit given under my hand this 26th day August 1833.
Daniel White
The very last section is unreadable. It seems to be a statement from Daniel White and Stanard, swearing to the above statements, etc.
Letter from the Commissioner of the Rev. and 1812 War Section to W.R. Cooke, Jr; P.O. Box 1541; Richmond, VA; dated October 15, 1924 giving a synopsis of the above pension application and stating " There is no data on file as to his family."
Letter from A.D. Hiller, Assistant to Commissioner, to Mrs. Jennie T. Grayson; P.O. Lock Box 105; Charlottesville, Virvinia[sic] dated June 7, 1934. Mrs. Grayson had requested information on Blan Shiflet and Billey Talley. About Blan Shiflet, Hiller states:
He was allowed pension on his application executed August 23, 1833, at which time he resided in Orange County, Virginia. He was then eighty-two years of age, the date and place of his birth and names of his parents not shown.
The soldier died previous to February 1842, and was survived by children; the names of said children, and the name of the soldier's wife are not shown.
In order to obtain the date of last payment of pension, name of person paid, and, possibly, the date of death of Blan Shiflet, you should address the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Records Division, this city, citing the following:
Blan Shiflet
Certificate 23501
Issued February 5, 1834
Rate of $26.66 per annum
Commenced March 4, 1831
Sct of June 7, 1832
Virginia Agency
Included in the packet are copies of the original letters submitted by W.R. Cooke and Mrs. Grayson.
Also included is a copy of another page, similar to the 2 column layout of page 3, above:
1st column:
P 15641
[Fi]le No. 15641
Blan Shiflet
Prv Rev War
Act: June 7 32
Index:--Vol. 1, Page 340
Arrangement of 1870.
2nd column:
1924 Oct 15 Hiss to W.R. Cocke Jr. cws
1934- June 7 - Hist to Mrs Jennie T. Grayson - ILL
Signatures: These copies are of the orginal documents filled out in Albemarle and Orange Counties; they are not transcriptions of the originals by a "scribe" like deed records, where all the signatures are in the same handwriting as the scribe's.
Genealogical clues: Sadly, the pension application is devoid of any family information about Blan. However, the reference to Julia C. Harrison requesting information in 1912, combined with the attorney, John C. Harrison, tells me that there might be a connection with the Harrisons--i.e. one of Blan's grandchildren or children m. a Harrison.
These are the times that try mens souls.
Thomas Paine
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This page is part of the Shiflet Family Genealogy Website and is maintained by:
Julia Crosswell / Fort Worth, TX / 1998 - 2006
Robert Klein / Pasadena, MD / 2008 - present